
I, Emulation Info - Details / Compatibility / Legal
II, Game Downloads - Roms / Patches
III, Video
VI, Emulators
V, Music
VI, Editor
VII, Miscs- Utilities (patching ips) / Researches / Midis / Graphic Decoder

I, Emulation Info

Please read our
emulation info page for details concerning the offered roms, compatibility and legal!

As you move one from week to week, you may wish to rename the previous week's srm save file to match the file name of the successive one. That way you will be able to carry on all your progress.

II, Game Downloads

A, Patched Roms

Official Version: These files are already patched with the Base, Indoors (Official), Upgrade,Translation, Sublines and Intro/End, native bugfixes

  • Official Week 1 - REPATCHED 09/21/20: Improved intro sequence graphics.
  • Official Week 2 - REPATCHED 09/21/20: Improved intro sequence graphics.
  • Official Week 3 - REPATCHED 09/21/20: Improved intro sequence graphics.
  • Official Week 4 - REPATCHED 09/21/20: Improved intro sequence graphics.

  • - MSU-1 (choose your desired way of playing):
  • The English Dub MSU1 patch enables msu streaming (supported only by snes9x 1.55 bsnes/higan/sd2snes). This patch enables a full restoration of the original broadcast in CD-quality, dubbed in English! Find the location of the required files and how to set it up in the readme included in the patch folder.
  • The SPC Replacement MSU1 patch enables msu streaming (supported only by snes9x 1.55 bsnes/higan/sd2snes) - Themes (ALBW/Parallel Worlds Interpretation by Quertymodo. Other than the English Dub MSU1 patch, where you have one hour straight forward audio with speech, this one substitutes location sensitive the original spc with full orchestrated audio. Means, if you leave a dungeon to the overworld, just alike in the native rom, the music will change. Find the location of the required files and how to set it up in the readme included in the patch folder.

  • - Translations: German Translation v2.0, a French Translation, a Spanish Translation (textboxes only), and a Japanese Restoration. If you apply the msu1 patch, the translation should be preapplied on your rom. These translations work on Official version only (also the french MQ translation must be applied on the Official).
    - File Migration Note: zsnes/snes9x/bsnes/sd2snes: As soon you have finished a week, rename your sram to the name of the next week's rom to carry on all your progress. E.g., Week 1 sram name is bszelda_ast1.srm. As soon you have finished this rom and want to start over with week 2, rename this file to bszelda_ast2.srm; then simply copy this file in the folder with your bszelda_ast2.smc rom.
    Higan: Import all weeks first. As soon you finished a week; e.g., week1, go into your bszelda_ast1.sfc folder (usually: %USERPROFILE%\Emulation\Super Famicom\) and copy the save.ram file. Paste it into the bszelda_ast2.sfc folder (if a save.ram already exists (depends on the higan version), just click yes at the replace window).
    snes9x/sd2snes: These emulators enable a neat, alternative method, with which you don't have to rename the srm - Read more about it.

    Master Quest Version: These files are already patched with the Base, Indoors (Master Quest), Upgrade, Translation, Sublines, Intro/End, Link-Malon, Timeless, Stronger Bosses, Maple, Green Aginah, Itemfix, pot smashing with L2+ sword, 1/4 magic bar, cancel flute transport, grab items with sword, native bugfixes, lamp burns enemies

  • Master Quest Week 1 - REPATCHED 09/21/20: Improved intro sequence graphics.
  • Master Quest Week 2 - REPATCHED 09/21/20: Improved intro sequence graphics.
  • Master Quest Week 3 - REPATCHED 09/21/20: Improved intro sequence graphics.
  • Master Quest Week 4 - REPATCHED 09/21/20: Improved intro sequence graphics.

  • - MSU-1:
  • The SPC Replacement MSU1 patch enables msu streaming (supported only by snes9x 1.55 bsnes/higan/sd2snes) - Themes (ALBW/Parallel Worlds Interpretation by Quertymodo. Other than the English Dub MSU1 patch, where you have one hour straight forward audio with speech, this one substitutes location sensitive the original spc with full orchestrated audio. Means, if you leave a dungeon to the overworld, just alike in the native rom, the music will change. Find the location of the required files and how to set it up in the readme included in the patch folder.

  • - File Migration Note: zsnes/snes9x/bsnes/sd2snes: As soon you have finished a week, rename your sram to the name of the next week's rom to carry on all your progress. E.g., Week 1 sram name is bszelda_mq1.srm. As soon you have finished this rom and want to start over with week 2, rename this file to bszelda_mq2.srm; then simply copy this file in the folder with your bszelda_ast2.smc rom.
    Higan: Import all weeks first. As soon you finished a week; e.g., week1, go into your bszelda_mq1.sfc folder (usually: %USERPROFILE%\Emulation\Super Famicom\) and copy the save.ram file. Paste it into the bszelda_mq2.sfc folder (if a save.ram already exists (depends on the higan version), just click yes at the replace window).
    snes9x/sd2snes: These emulators enable a neat, alternative method, with which you don't have to rename the srm - Read more about it.

    B, Original Roms
  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4

  • C, Patch Files

    Important patches

    1, The Base Patch by Roto and Dreamer_Nom to
    - display overworld's map correctly
    - sound
    - overworld music
    - most of the items in the indoor areas will be displayed correctly
    This patch MUST be applied first before any other patches are applied.

    2, With the Official Indoor patch by Euclid and Duke Serkol the game will finally
    - have dungeons, caves and houses 100% exactly as they were meant to be!
    This patch MUST be applied after the Base patch listed above to work.

    3, Apply the Upgrade ptach to have
    - music according to ALTTP in the roms (by Con-Vehiek-Duke Serkol-SmashManiac)
    - sram fix to play the game using emulators other than SNES9X, like say, ZSNES (by Litude)
    - Minute save (to save also the # of minutes to sram) and lets you keep the shield after week 4 end (by Con)
    - Menu/Result screens to select the gender and give results (by Con and Mottzilla)
    - Title and End screens (by Con, Duke Serkol, Mottzilla, DaMarsMan, and others)
    - Week 4 protagonist sprite fix (by Euclid, Real Hotdog and eddzzz)
    - Week 4 Level 8 Boss fix (by Con)
    - Real hardware fix (by d4s)
    - Random Mole (by Vehiek, Con)

    This upgrade patch MUST be aplied after the Base Patch and the Indoors Patch!

    4, The English Translation by David-Euclid-Duke Serkol-Beno you will be allowed to
    - play in English.
    - have a translated BigBag (feature by MadHatter and Con)
    - have the Japanese signs on the flute map for magic shop and start location translated (by MadHatter)
    This base patch translates the japanese kanji into English (already applied on Official and MQ version).
    a, The German Translation v2.0 by RedScorpion and Con
    - play in German - English patch must be preapplied
    Apply on the Official version. The patch does not work properly with the Master Quest version.
    b, The French Translation by blyn
    - play in French - English patch must be preapplied
    The package conatins an Official and a MQ version. Apply both versions on the Official roms (means, also the MQ versions must be applied on the !official! AST roms and not the MQ roms).
    c, The Spanish Translation by Dervour Traducciones
    - play in Spanish - English patch must be preapplied. Translated are textboxes only, neither menu, slides nor sublines.
    Apply on the Official version. The patch does not work properly with the Master Quest version.
    d, The Japanese Restoration by Conn (intro and title screens by Duke Serkol and DarkShade)
    - play in original Japanese - English patch must be preapplied
    Apply on the Official version. The patch does not work properly with the Master Quest version.

    5, With the Sublines patch (v.13) by Con-Smash Maniac-Duke Serkol- you will
    - read as sublines what was said during the original broadcast (best compatible with zsnes)
    Inside the zip file you will find a program by SmashManiac that creates the sublines (if you want to create some yourself). Further there are different sublines patches for week 3 and 4 in this file, used when the itemfix patch is applied (you'll find the Book of Mudora and the Mighty Boomerang yourself).

    6, Apply the Intro/end patch to have
    - an intro/end story according to the original broadcast

    This upgrade patch MUST be aplied after the Base Patch, Indoors Patch and Upgrade patch!

    Optional patches

    1, This Mascott patch by Con/Tre to either
    - replace the Boy with Link and the Girl with Impa
    - replace the Boy with Link and the Girl with Malon
    - replace the Boy with Link and the Girl with Saria
    both in the game and the menu.

    2, This Item fix patch by Con and Duke Serkol
    - let you keep the shovel after you bought it in week 4
    - gives you the possibility to find the Magic Cape
    - gives you the possibility to find the Book of Mudora: necessary to get into D8
    - gives you the possibility to find the Mighty Boomerang

    Week 3 and 4 only. Week 3 ips file must be applied if you want all items in week 4. Week 4 has different versions
    for the Official resp. Master Quest indoors (take care to apply the correct patch!).

    3, This Timeless patch patch by Con and JamesBond007
    - hides the timer (clockhide version only)
    - loops the last minute until you found both tablets or defeated Ganon in week 4
    means you'll have unlimited time to end a week and also play all the timed events.
    Inside this zipfile are 2 versions; one (clockhide) hides the clock and you can play like original ALTTP and orientate with the sublines
    the other (clockvisible) still shows the timer and features only the loop of the last minute until your mission is accomplished.

    4, Here is the Stronger boss patch by Con to
    - make all end bosses harder (increased life enegy)

    Note that week 2 patch doesn't work without the music patch.

    5, Here is the Maple patch by Con to
    - transform the witch's assistant into maple (seen in ALTTP gba version)

    6, Here is the Aginah patch by Con to
    - transform Aginah into his real green clothes (seen in ALTTP)
    - give Aginah also the green robe in the cutscreens

    7, Here is the Pot Smashing patch by Con to
    - Smash pots using any sword from level 2 and up

    8, Here is the 1/4 Magic Meter Patch by Con to
    - Activate the unused second magic meter upgrade by rescuing the priest in week 3

    The zip contains two patches that need to be applied to week 3 and week 4 respectively.

    9, By applying this Hurricane Spin patch by Con to week 4, you can
    - Perform the Hurricane Spin technique once you obtain the Master Sword by pressing and holding down the B button during a spin attack. But keep an eye on your magic meter!

    10, Apply this grab items with sword patch by Con, you can
    - grab items with your sword (seen e.g., in Minish Cap)

    11, By applying this cancel flute transport patch by Con, you can
    - On the flute warp select map, after calling the bird, it will transport you with Y, X and A but you can cancel with B (and return to the place from which you called the bird)

    12, Apply this native Bug fixes by MoN and Con, these bugs will get fixed
    - restore Kholdstare shell fading
    - make Mothula vulnerable with L3 swordspin and L4 sword and prevent invulnerability when pushing him into spikes
    - prevent glove palette being reset to skin color when opening the map and such
    - fix rapid use issue of cane somaria
    - fix magic cape glitch when pulling something
    - also you find a subfolder with a patch to restore the alttp palette in thieve's hideout and secret passage to Hyrule Castle
    - fix for sfx: when ascending hyrule castle's first staircases, descenting sfx is played and vice versa

    13, Apply this Lamp burns enemies patch by Con
    - to burn enemies with the lamp (same attack class as firerod)

    Title Screen patches

    1, Apply this optional Title Screen Upgrade patch by DarkShade
    for cleaning up the title screen and show a tablet so this game looks more unique in comparison to ALTTP. If you prefer it, (keep in mind though, this one is not as animated, the Master Sword won't appear)

    2, This Master Quest Title Screen patch by Con, Beerad, Mottzilla
    - replaces the official title screen with the Master Quest Title Screen (designed by Beerad)

    Note that the official title screen (upgrade patch) must be applied to the rom before you can use this patch to replace it!

    3, The Japanese Restoration Title Screen patch by Darkshade, Con, Beerad, Mottzilla
    You find in the subfolder "japaTitleScreen" a version by Darkshade or Conn (refer the included readme for differences).
    The japanese translation is NOTneeded to be applied to use this title!

    Interesting patches

    1, Here is the Master Quest Indoor patch by Duke Serkol and Euclid
    - have harder dungeons, caves and houses
    These indoors originally created before recordings of the orignal broadcasts surfaced. They are very similar to the original broadcast, but many rooms look different (because of the walls decorations) and some are significantly harder (in particular dungeon 6)
    Again, any of these patches MUST be applied after the Base Patch listed above to work. Just take this patch instead of the Official Indoors patch

    2, With this no bgm patch by Real Hotdog you can
    - remove the overworld music that Dreamer Nom restored.

    This patch was made both because we realized the music really was not supposed to be heard (CD quality music was to be streamed while playing the game) and because some people prefer to play their own music while playing the game without being interrupted by just one track only heard on occasion.

    3, With this Developer Debug discovered by Dreamer Nom, you will
    - start off with most items and hearts

    Obsolete patches

    1, Here are the Former Indoor patch, Duke Serkol and Euclid
    - originally created before recordings of the orignal broadcasts surfaced.
    They are very similar to the original broadcast, but many rooms look different (because of the walls decorations) and some are significantly harder (in particular dungeon 6)
    Again, any of these patches MUST be applied after the Base Patch listed above to work. Just take this patch instead of the official indoors patch!

    2, With these gender patches by Dreamer Nom you can
    - switch from the boy to the girl and viceversa.

    3, With the Floors Patch by David you can
    - see the floors

    Unfortunately, if you walk up or down ladders you might also end below the floor...

    4, With the Sound FX Patch by Dreamer Nom, you'll be able to
    - hear the game's sound effects
    - leave the first room
    It won't work together with Roto's patch.

    5, The Overworld Patch by Roto
    - makes Sahasrahla speak sooner
    - you are allowed to leave the first room

    This Hero's Hat Patch by Okibi
    - replaces the mascot's head with Link's.

    Useful for those who can't play Zelda without the green hat... but you still aren't Link this time :p

    You'll need ips exe or IPS Win to patch the rom.

    III, Video

    A, Full Game Playthrough
    Near the end of year 2007, videos of entire play sessions were found on NicoVideo. Showing every room in the game, these videos made it possible to create 100% accurate indoor patches. What's more, the videos contain all the soundtrack and voice acting used in the game.
    Kiddo Cabusses used his YouTube account to upload them so now we can all see them. Furthermore, the voice acting for each week has been translated.

    Week 1

    Voice acting translation
    Original Japanese voice acting transcription

    Week 2

    Voice acting translation
    Original Japanese voice acting transcription

    Week 3

    Voice acting translation
    Original Japanese voice acting transcription

    Week 4

    Voice acting translation
    Original Japanese voice acting transcription

    B, Zelda No Video, Full Clip
    Here is a part of the Zelda no Video DVD documentary that was released in Japan. It is posted here because it shows several things from AST that are lost to us: the title screen and introduction, the voices and a few indoor sequences. For everybody's convenience, this Divx AVI it is split in four RAR files; to view it you must download them all in the same folder and then extract the file.

  • File 1
  • File 2
  • File 3
  • File 4

  • Thanks to DeGamer for converting these files from the DVD and to Cent208 for sending it to me.

    C, Zelda No Video, Introduction Clip
    Additionally, here is a video of the week 1 loading into the BS-X which reveals more about the plot (a reccomended download to watch before playing). Again, split into four files:
  • File 1
  • File 2
  • File 3
  • File 4

  • IV, Emulators

    MSU-1 emulators:
    bsnes v70 easiest to use emulator for MSU-1
    2. Higan technical advanced MSU-1 emulator

    Non MSU-1 emulators:
    1, Zsnes user friendly emulator
    2, Snes9x also a fantastic emulator

    V, Music

    Looseless quality flac files of the music from Koji Kondo: Sound and Drama (flac) which was used in the game's original broadcasts, thanks to Kiddo Cabusses:

  • Koji Kondo: Sound and Drama 1: Overworld

  • Koji Kondo: Sound and Drama 2: Guessing-Game House

  • Koji Kondo: Sound and Drama 3: Sanctuary Dungeon

  • Koji Kondo: Sound and Drama 4: Hyrule Castle

  • Koji Kondo: Sound and Drama 5: Forest Theme

  • Koji Kondo: Sound and Drama 6: Dark Overworld

  • Koji Kondo: Sound and Drama 7: The goddess appears

  • Koji Kondo: Sound and Drama 8: Kakariko Village

  • Here's all the music from Koji Kondo Sound & Drama in MP3 format:
  • Koji Kondo: Sound and Drama (MP3, zipped)

  • VI, Editor

    Available here is Euclid's editor that allowed us to fix this game. Feel free to use it to customize your game as much as it allows (which may not be as much as you'd like seeing as it was conceived with the sole purpose of inserting what the game was missing). Instructions for use are found inside.
    If you are into programming and think you can improve and expand the editor, you may also be interested in download the Editor's Source Code but... if you do improve it, please let us know ;)

    VII, Miscs

    1, Use
    IPS Win to apply optional patches.
    2, Here is the text dump in both Japanese and English for BS Zelda Ancient Stone Tablets (doc format).
    3, For those who wish to try fixing the game, here and here are some technical information Dreamer Nom and Okibi respectively sent me. DN also gave me this study of the music in BS-X games. Additionally check this back ups of a thread on the SNES9X forum.
    4, Because MP3 files are pretty large, I've decided to also distribute a few Midis from A Link to the Past for people to listen while they play the game.
    5, Here is a Graphic Decoder made by Dreamer Nom for AST. It creates a small file (which you can view with any tools such as tile layer) with all the grahics from the game that can be found. That's about all I know of it, so I'm afraid I won't be able to answer any possible questions.

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