Staff: Thanks to all people who made patches for this game: Euclid Dreamer Nom KillBill_158 MottZilla Litude Hiei- Darth Nemesis FloBBaSKo Real Hotdog ReyVGM MadHatter Okibi Dervour eddzzz Svambo MSU1 Project: Trovsky Grateful credits to all the people who helped making this
page: BlueSun Chocomilk Trovsky Dehadin DJ Emergency FirebrandX Fyxe Glitter Berri MadHatter Makuchan MottZilla Nose0000 Plasma Captain Tre wiiqwertyuiop Super Players: eddzzz MasterOfPuppets Vehiek BeeRad277 DarthNemesisX Tre Phantom Menace Konqrr Rory Griffin and JersyDvl
- Webmaster
- Co-Webmaster and Founder
- Promoter
- Promoter
- Storyline Aid
- for developing his incredible BS Zelda Map 1 Complete patch and more
- for developing the AST editor to recreate the indoors and inserting the translation
- for fixing Roro's and DN's patch for Map 2, developing Third and Fourth Quest
- for collaboring on translations, recreating the indoors of AST and more
- for developing fundamental AST and BS Zelda Map 1 fix patches
- for making Svambo's German translation for RH bszelda up to date for combined map1/2
- for developing a patch to play BS Zelda on real hardware
- for fixing AST sram to make the game playable in zsnes
- for translating most of the Wait Signs
- for translating some of the Wait Signs
- for translating most of AST and some of BS Zelda1
- for the original translation of BSZelda1
- for his BS Zelda 3rd Quest time crack patch
- for helping with the translation of AST
- for his work on the voice acting projects, helping with the AST sublines patch and background for the result screen in BS Zelda
- for helping with including the Title Screen
- for the original BS Zeda 3rd Quest Link patch
- for fixing the protagonist's sprite in AST Week4
- for giving us the finally correct translation of Zelda's words at the end of BS Zelda and providing a better background for the result screen
- for his patch translating the flute map in AST
- for AST's Hero's Hat patch
- for the original BS Zelda Girl Mascotte patch
- for German patch
- for Spanish Translation patch
- for the play as Zelda patch
- for help with the Soul Calibut Magic set patch
- for translating the signs in BSZelda1
- for the original AST girl patch
- for helping with the protagonist's sprite fix in AST Week4
- for the German Translation of BS Zelda Map1/2
- for the German Translation of AST
- for the AST timeless patch that still displays the clock and various playtests
- for making the initial background music
- for correcting the background music in AST
- for merging the voices in BS Zelda
- for merging the voices in AST
- for Playtesting and Soldier Voice
- for Narration and Ganon Voice
- for Old Man voice
- for Zelda voice
- for Fortune Teller voice
- for Priest voice
- for remastering some BS Zelda tracks and AST SFX
- for translating some spanish articles
- for getting BS Zelda - Map2
- for translating the video dialogue of BsZelda
- for helping GlitterBerri by making transcriptions of the voice acting
- for making a spc out of DJ Emergency's Fortune Teller wav, and developing AST msu1 background music
- for hosting our page
- for helping with html-coding at the very beginning
- for making a midi out of FirebrandX waitsign wav
- for remastering bszelda1 broadcast music
- for remastering very important themes of Map1/2 like the waitsign theme
- for an early draft of the walkthrough
- Artist/Strategy Guide Author
- for translations of voice acting from videos of the games
- for translating the video dialogue of BsZelda
- for finding all original broadcast dates
- for giving us the dumped version of the BS Zelda - Map2
- for help and advice at the very beginning of our page
- for a midi file of BSZelda's new ending track
- for providing the first AST pics
- for making another midi out of FirebrandX waitsign wav
- for creating this Video about BS Zelda (and the BS-X) which can be regarded both as documentary and nice entertainment
- for his first version of the walkthrough for BS Zelda 3rd Quest
- creating AST indoors maps
- for many, many Cheat Codes, testplaying and more
- for help in graphical design
- for helping building up this webpage and giving good advices
- for making a midi out of FirebrandX waitsign wav
- for RH playtesting and beating map 1 in 45 minutes in week 4
- for winning AST MQ broadcast run Result Screens
- for finding the new tresure in AST Week4
- for playtesting TQ and FQ and finding some bugs
- for being the first in the treasure hunt in TQ
- for being the honorable second in the treasure hunt in FQ
- for finding many many videos of original playing of BS Zelda
- for downloading and providing all videos Vehiek found :)
- for translating the video with the last unknown time related event and thus discover it
- for playing Map 2 extensively and for getting through the whirlwinds (video, zmv)
- for getting a "Hero of Forums" through the posting of 1769 posts
- for finding the time related HC in BS Zelda - Third Quest
- for finding many secrets in BS-Zelda - Third Quest
- for reaching the visitors mark:
- for developing "BS Zelda" and "BS Zelda 8 bit" for Zelda Classic
- for developing "Legond of Zelda, 1st quest" in BS style for Zelda Classic
- for developing "Legend of Zelda, 2nd quest" in BS style for Zelda Classic
- for the 1st Lost Quest computer project
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