
The left pic was the first proof for the existing of Map 2, found at Jan 27th 2007 at Makucjan's Webpage. To the right is a pic of Map 1 to compare.

May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce

Examples of the different overworld of Map 2.

May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce

Warning: the following pix are spoilers for the last part of the game!

Now that we have Map 2 we finally know what this buggy Ghoma in Map 1 originally was - a Blue Manhandla!

May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce

Since we have only a dump of Week 1 it is tricky to get access to Dungeon 6 and Ganon... but possible!

May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce

Left is Ganon from Week1 and right from Week 2. As you see the maps differ in the floor color.

May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce

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