Without and with first translation
Aquamentus and the first Triforce piece
This picture appeared while (down)loading the game into the BS-X. The text below it reads: "The Legend of Zelda went on sale in 1986, and has reached up to 6 games in the series."
This is an AD that appeared on the back cover of Famicom Tsushin. No.352. September 15, 1995, kindly tracked down and bought by MadHatter.
It could be regarded as the only official art produced for the game.
Here are some pix from a beta version of the game and to the right their actual counterparts. Our thanks go to Vel (the ones with a red border) and KiddoCabbusses who informed us of this video by KuKun-Kun
Warning the following pix are spoilers for the last part of the game
These are images from a pre-release version of BS Zelda.
(Click to enlarge)
Here we can see early tiles for the overworld, most notable dungeon entrances (we're still unsure which is the correct palette). It seems the second dungeon was originally meant to have its own entrance, like in the NES game. Note also the different Armos and tombstone.
(Click to enlarge)
Gleeok and Lanmola were originally going to be in the game, unfortunately neither made the cut. Furthermore, early designs are shown for Moldorm, Dodongo, Digdogger and Ganon.
(Click to enlarge)
Finally, we have a spritesheet that actually features Link instead of the BS-X avatars. Notice also the big Octoroc, the Magic Key, the glimmering rather than rotating Triforce and, again, the alternative tombstone.
Initially, we were not able to reach the end of the game, until patches were made. Before that came to pass, mock ups were made.
These two pictures by VEL were first fake shots of Ganon. Since then, we've luckily been able to see how it really looks like.
BS-Zelda: Man's game
BS-Zelda: Woman's game
We all can now reach Ganon with Roto's awesome patch!
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