The Legend of Zelda - Fourth Quest

redboom.gif - 1091 Bytes


I, Introduction
II, The Legend of Zelda - Fourth Quest / Rom, Patches and Emulators
III, Missing Patches
VI, Time Plan / SPOILERS!
V, Finished Patches
VI, Pics

I, Introduction

The Classic Edition is a project by me, Con, which turns BS Zelda into a "real" Legend of Zelda. You will play with classic characters, Link and Zelda, have Triforce Symbols instead of crosses and... play without the BS-X Timer!
I called this project "The Legend of Zelda - Forth Quest", because it can be regarded after Third Quest as a fourth quest to LoZ, Nes without any canon problems.

The core of this project is a time patch by Dreamer_Nom which disables the timer, hides it and forwards the game triforce related. Unfortunately DN left this patch inperfect, before he disappeared: the blue candle was never shop equipment (this problem occured due to Roto's patch) and the whirlpool didn't vanish after Dungeon 4, what happened because of a wrong time setting.
I waited 2 years to find a qualified hacker to solve these problems, but since nobody was able or interested I took the project in my own hands and started from point zero getting through the djungle of ASM hacking... and with the help of Tre and others I am proud and lucky to tell you that my mission is accomplished.

II, Rom, Patches and Emulators


The Legend of Zelda - Fourth Quest. Included is
- Base patches by Roto (complete), DN (upgrade), Duke Serkol (translation)
- Time complete patch by Dreamer_Nom, fixed by Con
- Classic sprite set by Con based upon patches by TeRRaBiTe88 and Vel
- Triforce tile set by Con
- Title Screen Sequence and End Screen by DaMarsMan, Euclid and Con
- Voice patch by Mottzilla and Con
- Red Ocarina / magic key patch by Con
- remove the bug with letters on continue
- proper ring color in the menu patch by Con
- magic shield patch by Con
- save subscreen dungeon maps patch by Con
- death counter by Con, Mottzilla
- anti-monster respawn by Con

Download all the patches with documentation.
(the place of the book in this pic is of course faked ;)

1, Zsnes1.14 Dos and Windows (the best emulator to play the game). Also higher versions work, but zsnes 1.5x slows the game dramatically down and there are sound glitches in zsnes 1.4x.
2, Snes9x v1.41, does also work
You can also play with Snes9x 1.5x and SnesGT (not completely tested yet)

III, Still Needed Patches

  • all points seen at BS1ideas
  • different ingame-header (game crashes in zsnes if you change the "BS")

    VI, Time Plan

    The Triforce is an ultimate source of power. Thus, as more pieces you collect as more is your might increased. Nevertheless, some events won't last forever (this is because of the ingame's rom nature).

    - nothing happens until you've reached the First Triforce piece

    Directly after getting First Triforce Piece:
    - the time related Heart Container appears, and it is stabled until the you get the 7th Triforce Piece. Come on, you run directly into it - if you don't grab it, it's your fault!

    After getting the Second Triforce Piece
    - the Blue Candle is available until the end of the game

    After getting the Third Triforce Piece
    - the Tornadoes vanish until the end of the game

    After getting the Fourth Triforce Piece
    - the Lost Woods' magic and Whirlpool disappear until the end
    - the Street Vendor appears until you get the 6th Triforce Piece

    After getting the Fifth Triforce Piece
    - the Flute Podest that opens level 6 appears and stays until the end of the game
    - you have Half Shop Prices until you get the 7th Triforce Piece

    After getting the Sixth Triforce Piece
    - the Amos wake up
    - you obtain the Mighty Boomerang keep it until the end of the game
    - the Red Ring and the Master Sword are available until the end of the game

    After getting the Seventh Triforce Piece
    - you get Unlimited Bombs until the end

    After getting the Eighth Triforce Piece
    - go, kill Ganon !
    - you get the Light Sword which always shoots

    V, Finished Patches

  • HIDE the clock, events will be completely Triforce related
  • Play as Link or Zelda
  • Improved intro (look below)
  • Have Triforce symbols
  • Title Screen
  • Anti monster respawn

    VI, Pics

    This one is a title screen Vel made. I like it because it's animated. Maybe somebody can get the other title screens animated too?

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