The original idea was to make a "Legend of Zelda" out of "BS-Zelda", with Link as main character, programmed in C++ for the pc as it is recommendable.
After month of quarreling about the name thing I (Con) came to following definition solution: The original name for bszelda is "Bs-Zelda No Densetsu - The Legend of Bs-Zelda". Replacing the mascottes with Link would have made this game a "legend of zelda; The Legend of Zelda:The Lost Quest", no Bs anymore!
These were ideas for the computer project:
Give the ability to play as Link (*maybe* also as the mascots)
Disable the timer and make necessary time-related things triforce-related:
-After the 2nd triforce the blue candle is buyable
-after the 4th the whirlpool, -winds and the lost woods are vanished
-after the 5th you get and keep the red boomerang and it's getting dark to access the flute panel and D6
-after the 6th it's light again, the statues move and you can get the red ring and the master sword
-after the 8th it's dark again and you can defeat Ganon
Other dungeon monsters for L7+8, and middle bosses. See Pics of them.
A full going through story.
A small saving defeated monster feature, so you won't have to fight all monsters again when you leave and reenter a screen and a random monster feature would be nice
See the map with the X-Button like in Zelda 3
Dialog masks and cinema barriers (Zelda V) would be nice
blue points on the map for the middle bosses
Rename the game to the web poll winner "The Legend of Zelda: The Lost Quest"
and of course the other things which have (has) to be completed in normal bszelda:
Longer ending sequence and intro
Fix the Ghoma in L8 in the screen before the 2 Ghomas bosses
Save slots
Other changes: A mirror shield is in L8; and the silver arrow is somewhere in the overworld, e.g. the old men say : "Follow the path of power" for the Magic sword; courage for the ring and wisdom for the arrows.